The Middle Way Podcast — Ep#4 — Dr. Dean Radin: Collective Consciousness, Psychic Abilities, and Paranormal Phenomena
In this episode of The Middle Way Podcast, I speak with the well-respected and prolific researcher Dr. Dean Radin about the science of consciousness and paranormal phenomena. We discuss the science of collective consciousness (including data from September 11th), psychic experiences such as “telephone telepathy” and “the feeling of being started at,” Dean’s work with the U.S. government on remote viewing espionage, skepticism about paranormal phenomena amongst scientists, quantum biology, the illusion of space and time, non-local mind-matter entanglement, what Dean would do as leader of the free world, the genetics of psychic abilities, and much more.
Dean Radin, PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Associated Distinguished Professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned a BS in electrical engineering (magna cum laude, with honors in physics), and then an MS in electrical engineering and a PhD in psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Before joining the IONS research staff in 2001, Radin worked at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. He has given over 600 talks and interviews worldwide, and he is author or coauthor of over 300 scientific and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, two technical books, and four popular books translated into 15 foreign languages: The Conscious Universe (1997, HarperCollins), Entangled Minds (2006, Simon & Schuster), Supernormal (2013, RandomHouse), and Real Magic (2018, PenguinRandomHouse).
If you enjoy this, you might also enjoy my post on “The Science of Collective Consciousness” (a four-part series):
You can learn more about Dr. Radin’s work at or
Matthew S. Goodman, Ph.D. is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY32423) and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences in the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California. He is also a writer and filmmaker. His work can be found here:
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